Sway Terminology
Let's make sure we are all on the same page when talking about Sway!
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Profile: Refers to the individual athlete/patient profile that has specific and unique ID number. A single profile can be in multiple groups
Group: A way to group/organize your profiles. Typically used as a way to group various sports teams.
Test Protocol: Defines all of the measures included and the sequence of “stances”
Example - Sports+ Protocol is a combination of the following: Symptom inventory, mBESS , Inspection time, Reaction time, Impulse control, Memory
Test Type : Refers to the individual tests within the protocol
Test Length:
Screening - shorter version, only 1 trial of each test protocol
Assessment - longer version, athlete/patient completes 3 trials of each test type and the app takes the average to create a composite score
Baseline Test: When creating a code you will have the option to decide if those scores will be computed into the profile’s baseline – It is just a checkbox
Code: A unique 5-digit letter/number combination that will allow a profile access to a specific test configuration (see below)
Group code - Code for specific group
Profile code - Code only used for a specific athlete or patient
Event: An injury or other event that requires an assessment or screening afterwards
Event period: A series of test protocols that are within a certain time period designated by provider
Organization: Each school or clinic will be considered an organization and have their own dashboard. If you work at more than one school, you will have access to multiple organizations
Amin/User: Any Sway user with a login. Administrators have access to all groups and can configure settings and access for users
Users: Only have access to groups designated by administrators
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